Why is Jesus "Good News?"

Please contact us at 610-259-8010 or email office@auc.org and let us know if there are any questions we can help you with, and visit us at one of our services to get to know us.  We would love to encourage you in your walk with Jesus Christ!

Aldan Union Vision

The Vision Slogan:

Growing in Christ and Reaching Out to the World

The Vision Statement:

“To be a spiritually healthy church, that is committed to the inerrant Word of God, promoting loving obedience to the Lord Jesus Christ and spiritual growth for the whole church family in a multi-faceted ministry, and reaching out in love as salt, light, and fragrance to our community, county, country, and continents.”

The Vision Implications:

  • Healthy at home: Part of our vision must include a strong, healthy church whose ultimate vision is of God. We cannot help others effectively when we are weak. We need a strong home base church spiritually and financially to support a worldwide missionary program.

  • Healthy spiritually: We first need to commit ourselves anew and afresh to the Lord. Our commitment must show itself in our prayer lives, in our support of the Church Covenant, including our attendance and giving as God intends, and in committing to excellence in everything we do. We want to offer our best to the Lord.

  • Healthy servants: Aldan Union Church has been richly blessed by God. It therefore follows that we have a biblical mandate to be an instrument of blessing to others – “From everyone who has been given much, much will be demanded; and from the one who has been entrusted with much, much more will be asked” (Luke 12:48b). God has blessed us with spiritual resources, including a Godly tradition and heritage. He has blessed us with financial resources, building and property resources, and people resources. We are expected to invest these resources in the lives of others. We need to be an example of a church that is a servant leader.

For more information, see our Doctrinal Statement by clicking here.