AUC has held ESL classes in the past and we are planning to start them up again this fall. We are looking to divide the responsibilities into many small jobs, so that we don’t put too much on any one person. Please consider the following positions and how you might be able to participate. There are probably needs not listed, too. If you have been involved in the past, in any capacity, please let us know that.

Molly Olshefsky will be the Program Director. Please contact her with your interest, comments, thoughts, and suggestions below.


Greeter – be present to direct people to the proper rooms.  Only needed for registration through the first few weeks of class each term

Adult snack – depending on how many people volunteer, this would be done only occasionally.  Bring light snack and interact with students for 15 minutes.  This may happen at the beginning of class, or it may happen in the middle.

Children’s snack – depending on how many and what age children (if any) that we have, this would happen in the middle of class.

Registration – be present for registration at the beginning of each term.  Assist prospective students with completing paperwork.

Special events – about one or two events per term (Thanksgiving, Christmas, Easter, etc.).  Participate in dinner and socializing with students.

Teaching – we are planning to offer a one-and-a-half day training this summer.

Evaluator – evaluate all of the students prior to their first class to determine their placement into the proper level.

Teacher – teach a class one day a week.  Each class will happen twice a week, so you will be teaching in tandem with another person.  Please specify if you have a particular level you would prefer to teach.

Teacher’s Assistant – participate in one class per week, assisting the teacher as needed in break-out sessions with students.  Please specify if you have a particular level you would prefer to teach.


Childcare – take care of children (if we have any), from the age of five and down, during classes.